Nadine Cocina

about me

All the Lives


The immersive installation All the Lives allows viewers to use deep fakes to enter into alternative living situations that may be imminent in the future or that have already been experienced in the past. First, an image and a voice sample of the visitor is recorded, and then these are integrated using a deep fake algorithm into short films in which viewers find themselves in a synthesized life reality. Visitors see themselves, for example, as seniors on the terrace of their sunny beach house or sitting alone at a table, trapped in a dreary office or as movie stars besieged by flashing cameras, or as athletes pummeling a punching bag.

The experience of seeing your own deep fake alter-ego in a new role, situation, or identity that you had not previously experienced encourages reflection on conventional roles and the life plan that you have been pursuing. In this sense, All the Lives can be understood as a philosophical machine that brings opting for a certain way of life, with all its limitations, into sharp focus while at the same time offering a projection screen for the self and potential alternate identities.



Planet Digital, Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich, 2022/
New Realities, Fantoche, 21th International Animation Film Festival, Switzerland, 2022/
Designing Undefined Perspectives, IxDA Education Summit, Switzerland, 2023/

Publications & Links:/
Planet Digital Project Page/
SRF 10 vor 10/

Concept: Dr. Björn Franke/
Programming: Paulina Zybinska/
Videos: Nadine Cocina/
Casting: Isabela Gygax/

Actors: Tina Schmid, Christian Leugger, Teresa Matusadila Leuzinger, Rahim Lascandri, Astrid Kehl, Kurt Herzog, Kemal Dempster, Christoph Gross, Susann Klossek, Walesca Frank, Melisa Sari Arslan, Ramona Sprenger, Jemsith Regan Raveendran, June Donkor, Oliver Meier, Clifford Seidmann, Elijah Knight, Kate Tsui/

The exhibition "Planet Digital" was made possible by Stiftung Mercator Switzerland and DIZH Digitalisierungsinitiative der Zürcher Hochschulen./


All the Lives All the Lives All the Lives All the Lives All the Lives All the Lives All the Lives All the Lives All the Lives All the Lives

Planet Digital, Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich, 2022/
New Realities, Fantoche, 21th International Animation Film Festival, Switzerland, 2022/
Designing Undefined Perspectives, IxDA Education Summit, Switzerland, 2023/

Publications & Links:/
Planet Digital Project Page/
SRF 10 vor 10/

Concept: Dr. Björn Franke/
Programming: Paulina Zybinska/
Videos: Nadine Cocina/
Casting: Isabela Gygax/

Actors: Tina Schmid, Christian Leugger, Teresa Matusadila Leuzinger, Rahim Lascandri, Astrid Kehl, Kurt Herzog, Kemal Dempster, Christoph Gross, Susann Klossek, Walesca Frank, Melisa Sari Arslan, Ramona Sprenger, Jemsith Regan Raveendran, June Donkor, Oliver Meier, Clifford Seidmann, Elijah Knight, Kate Tsui/

The exhibition "Planet Digital" was made possible by Stiftung Mercator Switzerland and DIZH Digitalisierungsinitiative der Zürcher Hochschulen./